Edit: Eleven hours (eight of which spent asleep) after getting the idea and writing the initial post under the jump, I have booked plane and hotel tickets. Will be there Feb 3-7. Exploiting the downtime in the middle of 春节 as opposed to dealing with the insane prices on either end, I found some cheap flights so the whole trip is only running around $400.
Call me what you want, but don’t call me indecisive (=

Oh! And for any Cage Match readers who have been to Xi’an before, please please please leave suggestions for things to see/stuff to do/thangs to eat in the comments. Or on yesterday’s facebook status, I guess, because it has kinda exploded in the past few hours


I really want to go to Xi’an. I have a week to travel starting in 3 days. It is the worst travel week in terms of volume in the most populated country in the world. I’m going to talk to people about it at work tomorrow. How bad of an idea is this? How awesome of an idea is this?
Completely unclear. But I’m stupidly excited all of a sudden, which is usually a good sign!