I’m breaking my don’t-blog-this-weekend rule because I’m pissed off and that is as good a reason as any. You know how a month or so ago when I was leaving for Xi’an my power went out? Because the way billpay works here is that like, you buy a certain amount of electricity and when that number gets back to zero you automatically stop getting power. There’s no reminder or anything that gets sent to you, the concept of paying a bill late doesn’t exist — it operates like gas in your car.
Almost needless to say at this point, the power’s out. Oh and Rayco announced two days ago that he’d be leaving yesterday, so when I woke up this morning he was gone and the power was dead again. And the little card by which one buys more gas is missing, and he has no idea where it is. So thusfar I’ve spent all of my last Sunday in the country searching fruitlessly for this fucking card that he misplaced, and the bank is about to close so I couldn’t get buy more power even if I found it.
On the upside, in the event that I am indeed going to go the next four days without hot water, lights, 等等 then Hawaii is going to be that much more awesome.
Great title to this post! Geoff and I finished season 6 of peep show last night! I am very excited to see you again 😀
Kevin – do you have power yet? Poor baby.
I loved the post about the red flag in Tianamen. Very impressed you got up VOLUNTARILY before dawn. Now i won’t feel bad about getting you up early to clean your room at home. I can easily arrange a flag raising in the back yard if it makes you feel better.
See you soon.
Just got it back towards the end of last night, happily. If we dressed Jack up like a communist soldier and had him march around the pool, I’d consider waking up at six to see it.
and lets not kid anyone you never felt bad about that before; you relish making us wake up at ungodly hours and you know it