So for the past several days when it’s gotten to be around bedtime I suddenly remember that my room gets really cold at night and I still only have two sheets. Every morning I swear to myself to either invest in a blanket or get a chinese girlfriend asap but every night on my way home from work I’m never motivated enough to go find a store where i can buy… either, I suppose. Anyway in lieu of a blanket i’ve been using my heavy jacket, which would be fine, except that it’s the same jacket that I’ve been wearing around during the day. Which is to say that it’s been outside in Beijing for a prolonged period of time, so for the last three nights i feel like i’ve been sleeping with a chain-smoker. delightful, yeah?
At this point i’m legitimately still writing this blog because I fear bedtime. damn it’s cold. but Rayco leaves for hong kong tomorrow, and he said he’ll leave me his electric blanket, so that’ll hopefully fix the situation. but i should probably buy my own stupid blanket anyway though, because when he comes home he’ll want it back and i’d really like this to be my last night sleeping under the jacket. egh. i must smell terrible. maybe that’s why the girlfriend thing isn’t coming along so well, come to think of it.